How to Build Your Brand To Make MoneyTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction- Business Idea to OpeningChapter 2: Coherence between customer identity and brand imageChapter 3: World Class Quality and DistinctivenessChapter 4: Spot on Target MarketingChapter 5: Make space for Community Service and Social ResponsibilityChapter 6: Importance of Brand building Story- Make it good!Chapter 7: Importance of Right Pricing for Brand DevelopmentChapter 8: Flaunt Uncompromising Ethics and IntegrityChapter 9: Conclusion- Brands are completed by realistic cash projection and cutting edge planningIntroduction- Business Idea to OpeningEntrepreneurs are termed as dreamers and doers by business gurus. The spark of achieving a specific goal, working through day and night and making the impossible possible with the clearest and most achievable visions, entrepreneurs are truly born leaders and more active than the regular lot out there. Having an impeccable business idea and working extremely hard after it is one thing and devising the right business plan with energy exerted in the correct direction with greater probability of success in the venture is another. Many entrepreneurs are seen working exceptionally hard but the desired result- a successful product/ service is usually not readily served on the platter. Dire efforts and planning revised time and again is required to launch a successful product/ service that marks itself as a success. Speaking of successful products/services, what actually determines the criteria of success is the money or cash minted through it. The investments turn over time period followed by the much awaited profit ratios. One of the leading factors that contribute to this dream of an entrepreneur is how well established is the brand planning and execution with results yielded. Successful brands are a recipe of various ingredients, rightly measured and added in the product/service at the time of making. This e-book outlines 7 most essential ingredients of building strong, successful and money-making brands by entrepreneurs who usually do not have sufficient amount of funding during start up time, therefore, the 7 ways listed are purely non-financial tools that build the support system of any new product/service. Some of the Nitti Gritty pointers that entrepreneurs should keep in mind while preparing to add a brand with impact out in the market include over emphasis on the planning phase. Yes, most entrepreneurs under emphasize the importance of proper groundwork before approaching potential investors. It is realized later on with the increasing detail required in questions of sophisticated investors. Hence, plan well and plan to the most minute detail possible with extremely realistic and drained out profit expectations and highly exaggerated costs that cover up almost each day to day operating expenses. Most entrepreneurs fall short with the wrong forecast of income and expenses and the start itself becomes quite a bumpy ride. Furthermore, entrepreneurs know the importance of reaching out to the customer’s minds, hearts and then eventually wallets. This gradual succession of steps is the key to a business that makes its footsteps towards success with relatively faster pace. Through the following 7 ways of excellent brand building, the required magic that grabs instant attention of customers and becomes fan favourites is by far possible and within the reach of entrepreneurs. Step by step and close connection of each knit made while making a brand, the stronger the connection and knit will be, the better would be the final result in form of a strong brand and correlation with desired customers.